Dash & Joy takes pride in introducing the newest retro cardigan clothing line from Europe's top-tier brands. Featuring a diverse array of styles and designs, our cardigan collection showcases fashion of bygone eras like cozy knits and colourful designs. Having cozy knit cardigan apparel in your wardrobe is a must as they provide a comfortable wrap during the cold season or even during the summer season when you need to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays. More than the versatility cardigans provide, vintage-inspired cardigans bring that heartwarming sense of nostalgia as well.

Dash & Joy is in the frontline of retro-inspired fashion, searching for the latest vintage fashion accoutrements that evoke all things retro. We hunt high and low to offer you the world’s best, creating a unique collection that is truly distinctive and reflective of your taste. We are a proud distributor of brands that understand and appreciate the value and charm of the olden days while still being in sync with today’s trends.